#023: Real Life Sex - with Cindy Gallop

Cindy Gallop from Make Love Not Porn on the Too Old For This Sh*t podcast with Angie

Cindy Gallop’s Ted Talk: ‘Make Love, Not Porn’ got more than 2 Million views. She is on a mission to make this world a better, more peaceful and sexually liberated world and end rape culture. A force to be reckoned with, we get her take on: 

  • Social sex, Porn Sex.

  • How to ask for what you want in bed.

  • Why communication is key.

  • How Cindy sees that educating society and openly talk about aspiring to Gold standards to what constitutes good sexual values and behaviour will stop Me Too, sexual abuse and violence. This in turn empowers girls everywhere and creates a happier world for everyone, including men.

If you like this episode you may like: Turned On with Rachel Paz

Find Cindy Gallop: https://makelovenotporn.tv Twitter & FB: @CindyGallop & @MLNPTV  Insta: @socialsexrevolution


#024: Teach Me about Pleasure - with Dr. Uchenna “UC” Ossai


#022: Dating For Women: Safely And On Our Terms.